WhatsApp Policy Update: Since the time WhatsApp changed its terms and conditions and uncovered its new security strategy, texting applications Signal and Telegram have seen very nearly 4,000,000 downloads in India.

As per Sensor Tower information, Signal is standing out with 2.3 million new downloads between January 6 and January 10, while Telegram timed 1.5 million new downloads over a similar period.

Nearly, Signal and Telegram had 24,000 and 1.3 million downloads individually between January 1 and January 5. With the new downloads, Signal developed by 9,483% while Telegram developed by 15%.

WhatsApp's downloads fell by 35% over the January 6 to January 10, time-frames with 1.3 million new downloads. Between January 1 to January 5, WhatsApp had timed 2 million new downloads.

Lifetime downloads (all downloads since the application was dispatched in 2014) for Signal in India remain at 3.9 million and it is 151.5 million for Telegram. Then again, WhatsApp is an astounding 1.4 billion downloads over a similar period.

WhatsApp Policy Update, WhatsApp has been exceptionally famous up until now, be that as it may, presently with the changed security strategy, notwithstanding the stage's disclaimers and clarifications, numerous clients have chosen to move to other informing alternatives.

Signal and Telegram are being considered as reasonable supplanting for WhatsApp with Elon Musk being one of the first to tweet that individuals should move to Signal.

WhatsApp as of late refreshed its terms of administration on January 6 advising clients that data from all communications with organizations on WhatsApp will be imparted to Facebook and organizations it possesses and the organizations themselves.

WhatsApp has referenced that this doesn't have any significant bearing on individual visits; however, individuals are not persuaded.

Wire author Pavel Durov took to his station on the stage to guarantee that the Telegram won't ever gather clients' private information or profile them for advertisement focusing on.

Durov added that if Telegram ever decided to promote, it would do as such through one-to-numerous stations, which don't need explicit client profiling.