Whatsapp Chat Security: WhatsApp's chats are encrypted and the actual application can directly be locked with a password, however, its cloud backups are neither encrypted nor password-protected, especially when they are uploaded onto Google Drive.

All that said, WhatsApp now plans to change that and is apparently working on increasing the security of its cloud-backups by adding a password protection feature that will then encrypt chat backups.

As per a WABetaInfo report, this new component is in progress and was first reported in 2020.

And after more than a year of wait, WABetaInfo now has shared some screenshots that show how this could be introduced on WhatsApp on iOS and Android. 

One of the screenshots said - "To avoid any unapproved access to your cloud having your chat backups, you can set a password that will be utilized to encrypt future chat backups".

"This password will then be required each time whenever you want to restore those backups" - says another. The application will request that the client affirm their phone number and select a password that is, in any event, eight characters in length.


Whatsapp Chat Security, WhatsApp has earlier cautioned all its users that while the chats start to finish encrypted, this protection doesn't reach out to online backups on Google Drive and iCloud.

Whenever chats are uploaded on the cloud, the security of these relies on the cloud service providers.

There have been cases in the past when these chat backups have been made accessible to law enforcement authorities with legitimate court orders. 

When WhatsApp's new feature comes into action, backups being encrypted by passwords ought to hypothetically prevent anybody from having the option to get to your chats without your consent. 

While WhatsApp has not said anything about this new feature yet, WABetaInfo has a very decent history of uncovering new features before they become official so they are probably right about this one as well.