Consumers Change Shopping Habits COVID-19: Coronavirus has affected everyone’s lifestyle including their shopping life. Advanis, a research firm by adobe surveyed 4000 consumers and 1200 marketers across APAC (Asia pacific countries).

India, China, Singapore, and Australia were the countries selected for the survey which occurred between 1-17 June. 74% of consumers intend to change their shopping habits due to the pandemic and 58% increased their purchases online.

Indians and consumers from Singapore have the strongest intentions in the survey. "As consumer behavior and preferences shift in the current environment, it has become critical for brands to reorient their customer engagement and communication strategies," Nitin Singhal, India Head, Digital Experience Business, Adobe.

Majorly younger generations and urban citizens preferred delivery for grocery items whereas the older generation relied on making their purchases in person. Australians customers prefer to make their purchases in person as compared to any other country in the survey.

Consumers Change Shopping Habits COVID-19 - 47% of consumers preferred home deliveries for their purchases, 17% relied on curb site vendors and 70% of consumers still prefer making purchases in person. More than 70% of consumers prefer that the state of the world during COVID-19 should be represented in the marketing collaterals.

China and India led in this category with 80% and 83% respectively. 67% of consumers expressed their concern for this pandemic. The major concerns are personal health (73%), job vulnerability (40%), and economy (36%).

“The outbreak of COVID-19 has accelerated a broad shift in APAC consumer behaviors and attitudes that have been in the making for some time. It is clear from the results of the study that brands that are nimble in pivoting to this digital ‘new norm’ will be able to create deep and enduring brand resonance while helping their customers feel truly supported,” said Simon Dale, MD, Southeast Asia, Adobe.

80% of brands in India have a COVID and task force, china’s brands lead with 81%. 55% of brands in Australia have such a task force and in Singapore 67% brands. Consumers also believe that many companies should provide various offers for customers now. More than 90% of consumers in India share this sentiment and 82% in Australia, 78% of consumers in the US.