Facebook remote work: Facebook is pushing back on its flexible work practices. Facebook on Wednesday informed staff that starting June 15, employees at all levels of the firm would be able to request to work remotely full-time post-pandemic. According to a spokeswoman, who told CNBC Make It, previously, only staff with particular degrees of seniority were able to request a remote arrangement, and the rules vary by department. According to CEO Mark Zuckerberg's statement on remote work last summer, employees who convert to a permanently remote function and wind up transferring to a new area might receive a compensation adjustment based on market rates. Employees whose jobs need them to be in an office are encouraged to spend at least half of their time there, and they will be permitted to work on a hybrid schedule for the time being. The corporation intends to open its American operations at 50% capacity by September, with a full return for employees who desire to do so tentatively anticipated for October. Facebook also stated that workers would have a bank of 20 business days to work from anywhere for the duration of 2021, as long as they have work authorization. For people who choose to live and work in another country, the firm will gradually extend remote employment across international borders. Beginning June 15, Facebook remote work, Facebook will support remote work for workers moving from the United States to Canada. Individuals in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa will be able to move and work remotely from the United Kingdom, with approval dependent on role and team strategy. Previously, only tech and recruitment positions were authorized to make these kinds of movements. Facebook intends to extend the number of overseas locations where employees can relocate based on demand and the company's operations. According to a spokesman, the firm wants to reassess its flexible-work policy on a regular basis, utilizing "data-driven and research-informed approaches". “We’re committed to making sure everyone has the opportunity to do the best work of their careers at Facebook, and we’ll continue to build on these and other practices over time.” Facebook's flexible work plans follow Apple CEO Tim Cook's revelation last week that staff will return to the office three days a week beginning in September on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. A two-week work-from-anywhere perk was also available. Read More: FACEBOOK TO RESCUE THE CONTENT CREATORS