Accelerated Mobile Pages

Accelerated Mobile Pages: With the extensive use of mobile devices for reading content online, need for quick loading of pages had become an important need for the industry. Responsive websites are a good option to let users encourage using their mobile devices to surf content. People do not bother to reach out to their desktops for their day to day surfing.
They opt to open a website on their mobile devices. But one common issue in such responsive websites is that opening any page or link takes too much time to load the new page. This is what was addressed by Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) project. AMP was launched with an aim for publishers to load the pages in websites faster. First launched in October 2015, and now backed up by Google, it took almost an year for publishers to accept it worldwide and has now become a standard for many publishers already.
In easy words we can say that AMP bridges the gap between site usage and speed of mobile devices. So far we have seen its implementation and usage more on news websites.
So how does it make a difference? - Accelerated Mobile Pages

The main difference is that AMP pages do not have extra stuff for complex user experience. For AMP one has to use streamline version of CSS. Java Script cannot be used at all in AMP. So when one works on AMP the focus is on speed and readability. This was done for better user experience and engagement for readers who use their mobile devices to walk through content on responsive websites.
Can it be used in wordpress?
Ofcourse yes! It is just a simple 5 minute procedure and you are up and running with AMP. All you have to do is install AMP Wordpress plug-in. Activate the plugin which will not redirect the visitors to other pages of your choice. And last step is to edit your .htaccess file, for which you have to use any FTP program.
Now here arises one more question, what if the website is not wordpress based. The answer is again yes. It is not as simple as installing the above mentioned plugin but it can be achieved hasslefree. One has to visit AMP Project’s site and follow the instructions to integrate it via hard code.
Till now AMP looks promising and worthwhile move and it saves readers' lot of time. Publishers too enjoy larger readership and presence.