Drupal Site: Finally, you decided to download the much hyped Drupal software and get ready to build your website using the same! But now, you have to figure out what kind of modules you have to use to build a successful site. Read on to know all that is out there about building a successful Drupal site.

Before diving into the modules that are available for you to start your website let us look at the features that a successful website should have:

  • It should be able to easily integrate with all the required third party services and apps
  • It should be interactive, have a good UI, irrespective of the user’s device
  • It should be secure for the users to use it, interact with one another, or shop on
  • It should be convenient for the admins and the moderators to handle

Here are the best modules that you can use to build Drupal 8 website from scratch:

Password Policy - Drupal Site

A password policy enables one to have a secure browsing experience. So this module is a must have while building a Drupal site. This enables a developer to ensure that:

  • The minimal and maximum number of characters that a password should have.
  • The number of special characters a password should have.
  • And to set any specific restrictions like an user should not set his name or email address as the password, etc.

Comment notify

We all agree that clients are the kings of any business. It is very important that we come to know whenever we have a comment or a suggestion from a client. This module will help you do just that. This module will help the admins and moderators get notified as soon as there is a new comment from someone on the website.

Drupal Site - Breakpoints

A good website should always have a good responsive website design. This is something that this module does. Once breakpoints are set you can set proper media queries.

Hierarchical setup

This is a good structure for any website to have. For example, once an user chooses a category, the sub-categories should be automatically available to make the options clearer.

EU Cookie compliance

All of us are aware of the GDPR rules and regulations that came into being from MAY 2018. It is now mandatory to display about the details about the cookies a website uses so that the visitor can agree or read more about the cookie policies.

A Shield

It is very important to ensure that only those people whom you want to have access to your
website can be there in the test environment. This enables you to protect your website from anonymous hackers. This module will screen your website from the rest of the world, when you deploy it in the environment.

Beauty tips

It is a well known fact that, websites with user friendly UI and good web design always attract users and help retain them on the website.

Secure Login

Users these days are all aware of most of the security features that a website should have. In such an environment it is essential to make sure that a user will have to login to be able to make use of the features of your website. You have to ensure that your website is available on both HTTP and HTTPS. This will help protect the user data that is used by them when they login using your website.

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Menu Target

This module makes sure that only particular visitors on your site, those whom you have given the access to edit and add new items to choose whether they want to open the menu items in the new windows or in the current ones.

You can reach us at contact@yugasa.com for discussing your Drupal app project with us. We shall be more than happy to assist you in your product development.