Best Android Libraries: Since Android is the market leader in mobile operating systems. Android is a mobile operating system industry leader. There is also a greater need for programming in order to satisfy the technical demand of users.

However, developing an Android application without Android libraries' magic is always a tiresome job.

Such libraries help to reduce the time, effort and money needed for the creation of an Android app through interesting solutions

So we have found 15 best android libraries after our internet search which will never stop your coding passion.

Dependency Injection Library

"You can't build an electric car if you don't know the basic components of the car"

1. Hilt

But it is not possible to add Dependence without Hiltz in your coding box.

A DI library built on top of Dagger to make it easy to implement dependency injection in Android apps.

While Dagger was one of the best DI Libraries, it was very difficult for a beginner to use it. To use modules, one has to use @component but hilt provides automated dependency injection, just use the @hiltcomponent class and hilt handles everything.

Networking Libraries

"Networking isn't like attaching a cable to a TV, it's like wireless calling"

2. Retrofit

Retrofit is a library for java and kotlin. It handles requests using a rest API call made using simple java methods instead of an Https request.

Not only can this retrofit even JSON scans using POJO or other converters be added to process XML and other protocol files, so there is no need to write code for this, such as in a volleyball library. Full support for post requests and multiple parts is provided.

Using Retrofit

It requires three classes:

Model class as a model of JSON

Interfaces to define Http operations (GET and POST)

Retrofit builder class that uses the API to receive Https requests 

 Media Playing Library 

"Looking to watch video and audio, you might need a media player"

3. Exoplayer

Watching videos on YouTube can only be exoplayed. It's a way to play the media on the app. We used the Media Player API earlier, which lacks customization

You can customize the player by adding a recap, or you can quickly add whatever your player needs.

Supports dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP(DASH).

Adding this collection can help to seamlessly display and encrypt the video played.

 Image Loading Libraries

"Load the pictures"


No library can beat glide when it comes to objects. Glide is an open-source library developed by bumptech to load images and cache them to Android applications.

Earlier loading of large images on your app will rob your apps of smoothness but the glide is

A very quick and effective way to add smoothness to your scrolling.

But even glide can add GIFs, and images can be retrieved, resized, and displayed.


"Scan & pay using Google Pay"

5. Zxing's

ZXing is a barcode image processing library implemented using Java and also supporting other languages. One can 1D product, 1D industrial, and 2D barcodes.

Zxing can read to them all barcode indexes. It also forms the basis of the Android Barcode Scanner app and is used by Google to scan its Google Product and Book Search.


A perfect scanner for a modern environment built on top of zxing and featuring features of scanning QR codes.

The Camview Library has various components to build the layout of the frame according to the developer 's needs and to add features such as:

•Use Device camera to enable video

• scanning any type of barcodes in the same way as zxing

•Manually build-up lives data processing of the camera.

View  binding

"It's time to view the data "


A popular view binding library developed by Jake Wharton that uses annotations to simply code so that it generates less of the boilerplate codes needed for view binding and thus makes a difference to the dagger library.

Using findviewbyid was tiresome in your code, but a butter knife using @BindView annotation can inject views and replace the set ... the listener with @onclick, making the code easy to understand.

8.Android data binding

The library in the android jetpack provides a unique way to view binding UI components in a declarative manner that does not use them programmatically.

For example, the code below will call findViewById) (to find the TextView widget and bind it to the viewModel username property so there is no need to call any Java code to do this.

It offers flexibility and compatibility and supports API level 14 or higher.


"Remove the bugs from the hair just like the code"


A simple Facebook network debugging library for Android applications.

Previously, it was difficult to check that the app handles multiple requests from multiple devices correctly.

But with Stetho, the network calls can be easily inspected by any device without logging everything transferred to the Chrome desktop browsers. That's why the developer is widely used to develop chrome.

Reactive programming 

"Searching for some data from Wikipedia or any other platform to be delivered to you"


Rxjava is a Java-based reactive concept implementation published under the Apache 2.0 license.

Rx in Rxjava is a Reactive Extension that provides event-driven and asynchronous tasks with ease and delivers up-to-date, real-time content to the user.

Basic Construction Blocks

Observables are the sources that show the data

Subscribers are users who consume the data


"Make a bar graph or pie graph to visualize the data"

11. AndroidChart MP

There are times when you have to visually represent the data. Then MPAndroidChart is the best choice for bar, pie, candlestick, line ... so on charts.

Not only this, but MPAndroidCharth also supports scaling, dragging, and animation. All charts are highly customizable, interactive, and easy to create.

12. Holograph library

A library designed to be used by Daniel to ease his graphic work is becoming more popular these days.

A simple way to represent data in graphs and charts.

The library contains four types of graphs-

Graph Line

Pie Graphs

Donut Graph Multicharts


"The user interface is of primary importance so that any barbarian can use the app or device."

13. Gravity View

An important sensor-based library based on instant Facebook articles. The aim is to rotate the image whenever the user rotates the rotation reading screen with the help of a gyroscope sensor.


" The TV bought is working properly or not let's test it"


A user interface testing framework for testing android applications developed by Google can run on devices of Android 2.3.3 or higher.

The benefit is provided by the automatic synchronization of test cases in the real or virtual environment. 

It has basically three components:

ViewMatchers - allows you to find the UI component on which the test is to be performed.

ViewActions - allows performing actions on the component

ViewAssertions - checks the UI reflects the expected behavior on testing

15 .Roboelectric

Roboelectric is a unit test framework that allows you to write unit tests and run JVM desktop tests while still using the Android API.

There's no need for a real-life setup environment just to make test cases that can handle inflation of views, resource loading, and a lot of other stuff that's implemented in native C code on Android devices.

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