Web Development Technologies 2021: Technology is taking giant strides as humans are paving more ways to dig deeper into it. Today, it's more about internet connection than interpersonal connection.

In the midst of all these discoveries, it's easier for industrialists to get tangled and miss out on the available opportunities.

This digitally-driven lifestyle has made us adhere to the new change. For your business to generate more consumers, your brand must be seen, your voice needs to reach the right audience. For this to happen, Web Development seems the right tool.

Web Development is a way to showcase your services/products, relevance, and necessity to people across the world. Everyone is aware of how the simple, subtle, aesthetic website can change the whole user experience.

The list below is an exploration of the top Web Development Technologies 2021 trends that would make your website shine out among the rest.

Best Web Development Technologies 2021

First things first, are you planning to build a new website or give a makeover to your old website? Regardless of that, you need to make sure you opt for the latest trends. Let's walk you through the major website advancements in 2021.

1. Progressive Web Application (PWA)

Progressive web apps have captured all the investors' and developers' attention due to their reliable, fast, and engaging features. They make it possible for users to view their favorite sites as a normal native app.

For small budget investors, who want to reach out to a huge audience, can skip the part of paying the app stores and continue with PWAs. This process is as simple as a cakewalk.

2. Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning Chatbots

At this rate, it wouldn't be shocking to see the bots become more self-learning and compatible with user's needs and behavior in the mere future.

These bots can function during all the hours of the clock and enhance the digital customer experience while saving redundant costs for many businesses.

AI and ML technologies are resulting in demand for virtual assistance designs which are great at learning, collecting data, and solving issues. This is one of the best technologies for web development.

3. Motion UI - Web Development Technologies 2021

Creative web designs are the most popular and vital part of your whole web development process. The end-users sight always catches on to the innovation and hence elegant websites have more chance of going viral.

Due to the smooth animations, the website seems more appealing. Motion UI is a trending technology that hasn't left the users' eyes for years now.

4. Single Page Applications (SPA)

A single-page application works inside a browser and does not require different pages reloading while in use. We use such applications on an everyday basis but you might not catch the trend behind it. Like Gmail, Facebook, GitHub.

When we make use of these SPAs, the consumer will not be stuck on a single page, only for it to reload after every click. This certainly helps to speed up the process.

5. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

You may have heard the term 'AMP' being thrown around lately. Accelerated mobile pages are designed to make fast mobile pages.

They are supported by many different platforms, and it's compatible across browsers. As the speed of the internet is reaching beyond the sky, trends like this make the site more user-friendly.

When the page doesn't glitch at every second, there is a high chance of the user staying and surfing the website more.

6. Voice Search Optimization

As humans, it's our tendency to always make things convenient and easy to use. Like instead of typing the whole query, we can directly command the digital products and get things done swiftly.

That's the reason why most of the companies are now trying to utilize the digital products for voice search and commands. Blend this with the latest technologies, you'll find it effective for both, the user and the owner.

7. Building Applications with Serverless Architecture

A serverless architecture is a way to build and run an application or a service without having to manage infrastructure. It is supported by AWS, Microsoft Azure and many other platforms.

Developers no longer have to worry about managing and operating servers, with this, all their focus can be zoomed on their core product.

8. Blockchain Technology - Web Development Technologies 2021

Blockchain is a promising and revolutionary technology because it helps in reducing risks, data breaches and brings transparency in a proper way for various uses.

This makes your website more interactive with safe transactions, and a smart prediction system. It as well decreases your expenses.

9. Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to devices such as vehicles, electronic appliances, mobile phones, and smart sensors that are connected to a wireless network.

These sensors exchange data with 0 human interaction and perform operations. It's no brainer, to conclude that IoT is going to conquer the world for a long time. But how is it connected to web development?

Well, IoT would create advanced solutions between layouts and operational models.

10. Cyber Security

According to sources, almost 50,000 websites get stamped out by frauds every 24 hours. This is a very crucial problem as many businesses use digital platforms to run a whole company.

Most of the owners make use of HTTPS protocol. HTTPS protocol is standard security for all websites While websites contain lots of sensitive information regarding their customers, developers are trying to avoid breaching of data by regularly updating their software to ensure website security.

11. Cloud Computing - Web Development Technologies 2021

Did you know that in 2020, the cloud services industry generated almost $266.4 billion and is likely to generate $306.9 billion by 2021. By now, you might have figured the advancements of cloud computing in 2021.

From this, one thing is sure, cloud computing has claimed its throne in web development. Businesses of all sizes, from a small startup to a multinational company, and across varied fields, from health care to intelligence corporations, all are aiming for cloud vendors like Google, Microsoft, Amazon for data storage. Cloud computing offers great security, flexibility, scalability when it comes to data storage.

12. Mobile-first development

Over the years, we have seen a great increase in the usage of mobile phones. Significantly, 55% of the internet traffic is consumed by phones and tablets.

Therefore, it shouldn't surprise you that Web Development Technologies 2021 to swing towards small smart screens rather than horizontal desktop screens. Basically, this means, developers, create sites with a mobile approach first.

Previously it was first a desktop website and then later taking care of mobile development. But after recent analysis, it only makes sense if developers go to mobile responsiveness first.

Moreover, Google is now considering the mobile-first design as a ranking factor for websites to improve in performance.

13. WebAssembly

The website's performance is vital to gain more visibility in SERP and enhance user experience. The main reason for the increasing popularity of this trend is that using this technology, the code in any programming language can be compiled into a bytecode, which usually runs in a browser.

It is independent of programming languages and platforms. Hence developers should leverage this framework to top their applications and deliver an excellent user experience.

14. Mean-React-Vue-Flutter

Without a proper framework and libraries, all these trends would work no wonders on your website.

MEAN is a free, open-source Javascript software stack for building dynamic websites and applications.

React library plays a major role in developing a website. It enables implementation of changes with ease.

Vue has made its place in the global market and is a very compact front-end solution. It is used for building user interfaces and single page applications.

Flutter is a free and open-source mobile UI framework, that allows you to create native mobile applications for different operating systems by using a single codebase.

15. Push Notifications

Push is a technology for sending information from your server to users even when they aren't active on your website. Facebook, Google Mail, and other huge sites already implement this technology into their web applications. The probability of small-scale industries also adapting to this trend is quite high.

Where will this lead us?

Contrary to popular belief, web development plays an indispensable role, now that we've been adapting to the new normal. Well, these are the best technologies for web application development which have gained immense popularity.

It's hard to get a grip over all these technologies at the same time but the fusion of these trends will provide an immaculate experience to the end-users, and also enhances the website's rank.

In this cutthroat competition, one shouldn't comprise. It's about time you adopt these technologies to reach the ladder of success. 

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