E-Commerce Website: With the increase in the ease of operating a smartphone, there has been a step inclination towards the amount of time and money spent on online shopping. According to a survey, online shopping has penetrated 70 % of the adult population in the world. This means that almost every business is online today! But not every business is making the same amount of profit as the other. A survey conducted among online shoppers revealed that the website played a key role in keeping them interested to shop more or come back to the same website again to shop. This article will give you information as to how a typical e-commerce website should be and the mistakes that must be avoided as to keep the clients satisfied with your website.

The graphics - E-Commerce Website

building client friendly ecommerce website
Image Credit: freepik

The website is the face of your business. Graphics on it tell the clients how good or bad your website is. Clients tend to use this parameter a lot to assess the business as well. It is important to have an attractive webpage with necessary pictures and other forms of graphics. At the same time it is equally important to ensure that there is not too many graphics that slows down your website.

The customer is the king

As many business tycoons have rightly said, the customer is the king for any business to be successful. Your e-commerce website should be user friendly with all the required details available very easily. A few such details can be the customer care helpline number, the details of the products, the warranty of the products, etc. It is also very important for your clients to be able to give their feedback on the website so that they feel they have a say in your website.

E-Commerce Website - The filter

Imagine you go to a sports shop and ask him to give you a football, but the guy at the counter gives you a cricket ball. How would you feel? This would be the same feeling your clients will have when there is no option for filter in your website. It is very important to have a filter option for very all the products that you offer. This saves the client visiting your website a lot of time and he checks out with a positive feeling about the website and chances of him returning to your website are very high!

Forced login

A study conducted in the previous financial year states that 30% of the online shoppers exited the website after adding products to their cart because they were asked to sign up for making the purchase. It is not advised to always ask the clients to register to buy your products. Allow them to have a trial number of shopping experiences and then when they are back regularly you can ask them to sign up for making their shopping experience even more easier. By this time, a trust will be built with the client and they will be ready to register into your website.

Typographical errors

This is annoying to any client who visits your website. Nobody will like to purchase from a site that has not given importance to one of the basic requirements of a website, i.e. to check that everything in the website is spelt out correctly and the sentences are made accurately. Always ensure, you have a dedicated team to check the correctness of the content on your website. This is very important as your website gives the first impression of your business to your client and the bonding begins from there.

Responsive View

Stats say that 80% of the times, a weblink received, either through Google Search or through a link share on social apps, is first opened on a mobile device. Instant access of mobile devices for more than 14 hours in a day is major reason of such high usage. Your presentation is awesome, if your website is responsive in nature and opens well on all standard mobile devices. Some websites have taken still a stronger step in this direction. They have made websites in mobile first view, which means that they open like a mobile view even on desktop devices as well.

Speed Optimization

Think of a situation that a user opens your website and then he gets enough time to open your competitors website during the time, yours opened. It is just like a situation when a customer reached to your store and shared his needs with you and since you were busy doing something else, so he checked for the same item from another nearby shop who is your competitor. No one likes to wait. This is human behavior. So it is important that your website is fast enough to get opened instantly when a customer reaches on it.


Good SEO

Use meaningful words in the website product details page. At times, Admin of the ecommerce portals are so ignorant that the details are just copied pasted without considering the SEO practices. If you sell fashion wear then keep all that content on it only which talks about fashion. Do not mention anything about home accessories or magazine subscription. Google displays you in search results based on what you sell.

To discuss more about your ecommerce project needs, feel free to reach us at contact@yugasa.com . We shall be more tan happy to assist you for any of your product development.

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