Building one of the best Mobile Apps

Best Mobile Apps: I recently moved into a new city for work. The city is really magnificent and vibrant. As a new person in the city, I was not aware of the various things I can do during my free time after work. But this was not something I had to break my head over as all I had to do was say “Siri what's happening around me in the city?” to know everything that is happening in the city! Life has become so easy these days, thanks to the latest technologies being developed on a rapid pace everyday. Developers today are able to build mobile apps from scratch within a very short span of time. Technology has enabled us to create various apps that help people in their day to day activities in different ways, may it be entertainment, booking travel tickets, getting food delivered anywhere and everywhere and more such things.
Best Mobile Apps -

The mobile app development industry is one of the key players today and we can see that the app stores are flooding with new apps everyday. But this does not mean that there is no scope for developing more apps! This field is an ocean and can absorb a lot! But only those apps rise and shine which are able to capture the interest of the user. One such example is TikTok in the latest days. This Video sharing app has acquired more than 1 billion users in its 3 years of an active existence. What made this one of the most used apps out of the 3.3 million apps on the android and 2.2 apps on the apple store? It was the hard work of the mobile app development team and the designs they used to ensure that it becomes an app that people from across the globe loved.
It is plain basics that users love apps that have a great look and more importantly easy to use without any lags in performance. There have been many examples where the apps which concentrated on only of the above have failed miserably. Mobile app development companies Either an android or iOS app development have to ensure that they have strong User Interface (UI) and impressive User experience (UX). While building an app one should keep in mind that an app’s success depends on both the look and the functionality of the apps.
See few of our Android project done my yugasa team see here and For Ios see here
The mobile app development companies should ensure that they strike a perfect balance between the way the app looks and the way the app works. According to a reputed analytical agency about 23% of the apps in the app stores are used only once. This is an alarming note to all mobile application development companies. Since there are millions of apps available in the market, people have a lot of choices. If your app is not performing according to the expectations of the user, they will just uninstall your app and find another one in the app store.
Mobile app development being such a vast industry, we have ensured that the developers or and companies into a mobile app development get to learn about the different aspects that they should keep in mind while working on it through this article. We will be describing about the various aspects that will make your app on of the best for your target audience.
The most important process for an app would be the onboarding process of the app. The app should have a seamless onboarding process that makes the user fall in love with the app, at first sight, itself! It’s not just the sight however, the user experience is equally good. You can learn about the various factors one should keep in mind while building a mobile app from scratch that has a hassle-free onboarding process. Here is my another blog for application life cylce
Let the user know why they need to use your app
A user would have come searching for your app so that it is capable of solving a concern of theirs. Hence, when a user downloads your app, it should very precisely tell the user what are the various features it processes and how they can make use of it. If there are 100s of features but hidden under a tab or in places which are difficult to be found by a user, there is no point in having those features at all. Be very clear about the offerings of your app, especially about those functionalities that you think gives you an edge when compared to the rest of the apps that are already available in the app stores.
Quick and accurate is the new sexy -Best Mobile Apps
Today we are moving towards 5G internet speeds where most of the apps are able to operate and load in a fraction of a second. Ensure that your app is able to load all required content at a time below the current standard time to ensure you have an edge over the other app when a speedier internet connection is available. A few aspects you need to keep in mind to ensure that your app loads swiftly would be to have accurate image sizes and resolutions to balance between quality and speed of loading the content fast, have the content and images at the top of the page load first and those at the bottom load in the background. A few other features like clever animation will help retain customers during the loading period if any compared to a regular loading bar.
Creating a data mine the right way
There is no second thoughts that an app should be able to collect as much data as possible from the users, to enhance their productivity in the future and sometimes to function the right away as well. However, it is very important for mobile application developers to have a scare free method of collection of data. A few pointers to keep in mind would be:
- Allow users to register later after they take a tour of the app
- Get the email id from the play store
- Ask permissions only if required
- While collecting personal details, be very specific as to why you need it
- Use personalization to give a feel-good factor instead of generic instructions
Typing made easy
A lot of people have started using their phones to work of various types of documents also now, but typing on phones is still a concern point as it tends to make mistakes due to the limited space. An app development company, irrespective of whether they are an Android app development company or an iOS development company will face this challenge of typing errors. Hece to tackle this, try and minimize the need to type in your app, auto change the keypad type for your queries. Further, ensure to provide the right size of buttons if you are providing such options. The average size of a finger would be in between 14 - 15 mm. Therefore have the buttons designed accordingly to increase their usability index.
Feast for the eyes of the user
It is a well-known fact proved time and again that humans tend to remember images easily and for a longer period of time when compared to text. Ensure that your app can take advantage of this at all times. Try to convey most of the messages to your users through photos wherever possible. But keep in mind that images take time to load. While it is very important to ensure that the quality of the image is high it is equally important to have the images loaded at a quick pace. Hence it is very important to strike the perfect balance between images and text in the mobile application.
Consistency always pays off
Time and again, it has been showcased that consistency is the key to success. This is very much true while developing a mobile application as well. Especially, if you are someone who has a website and now you are ready to launch the mobile app, then you have to ensure that the UI on the website is not very different from that on the mobile app being developed. The last thing you want is to confuse the visitors to the app if both the website and the app belongs to the same brand. Ensure you use the same brand images, color coding, templates, fonts and more as that in your website in such a scenario. You can contact a mobile app development company for more inputs on the same.
Improvisation is always good!
Nobody is perfect from the beginning. Mobile application developers seem to forget this point these days! While you have multiple pages being loaded into the app, especially when you are asking a user to fill some details and you don't provide a clear option to go back to the previous page to update some information, it is obvious that the user gets frustrated and would not want to proceed with the app. Be it on Android or iOS, always ensure that you display a very clear way of how a user can go back to the previous page. When it is really very easy to move back and forth while filling data, users feel really comfortable and would not mind filling all data most of the time.
Clear display of text
In pursuit of making your app look different do not end up using fonts that are not legible. Always remember that users always like to be very clear about the way the app operates. Hence make sure the more you play around the design of the app, the more your text fonts should be. Keep them as simple as possible if you are playing a lot with the images and other designs. This doesn’t mean the content has to be boring too! We are only referring to keeping a readable font here and not about content!
Always remember the rule of thumb
Every day, the size of the mobile screens are increasing! But this is not true about our fingers! We have a predefined area that are fingers can reach! Users prefer to use only one hand most of the time while using their phones and this means they only have their thumbs to navigate the app that they are using. As a mobile app developer, one must keep in mind the area which the thumb can reach on a mobile screen. If your app needs the user to stretch a lot use the app single-handed, it is very unlikely that they will be using it for very long.
Everybody remembers icons!
Everyone has an icon in their life and they will remember throughout their life no matter which part of the world they are in or what they are doing. This is true for a mobile application as well! But the icon we are talking about for mobile apps are the mobile app icons that act as an alternative to represent that brand logo! It should be designed with caution so that it fits perfectly in the app store and also when it’s size is reduced when it is in the notifications part of the phone. The icon of the app can itself act as the brand recogniser in many of the cases.
Attention! Your user is here:
Most of the apps today, be it in the food delivery industry, store locators, transit apps and more require the location of the user to provide them with the best results. Hence, a mobile app development company should ensure that they build an inbuilt function in the initial phases of the app itself where the app can automatically detect the location of the user once the required permissions are obtained. It so happens that the users most of the time would not know that location where there are in. This should hinder the ability of your app to acquire them as your users.
In search of success
As a mobile app development company one should always remember that a user would have come to your app in search of a solution to their problem. If your app ensures that it caters to this problem every now and then, you can be rest assured that the user will love the app. One of the key features worth having in your app is the in-app search option. Many a time a user might want to quickly find something out of the 100s of offerings that you have in your app. In this case they should be able to find that one thing within seconds. Ensure you use effective search indexing, provide auto-complete search options, avoid no results found and try to replace it automatically with the next nearest available option in your app.
Nobody likes Ugly
Everybody wants to be perfect! In such a competitive world, if your app is showing screwed images that do not appear appealing to the eye, then forget about gaining any popularity either be it an Android mobile app or an iOS mobile app. The aspect ratio or in simple words the width and height of the images being used should be appropriate throughout devices. Keep in mind that there are devices ranging from 4 inches to 10 inches today. Ensure that the images that you use appear clearly in all the devices while building an app to ensure accessibility to a wide
range of people. You can also ensure that you plan your target audience based on the types of devices that they would be using and decide to emit a few aspect ratios if this is the case.
Color coding it the right way
It is no surprise that the colors used in the app have found a top spot in the various key features one must consider while developing a mobile application. If you consider case studies, you will very easily recognise the importance of color in branding your app as well. Consider the dark blue color of facebook, the green of WhatsApp of the or the sky blue of skype. All of them have given immense importance to the color coding to ensure that people can easily recognise the brand with just the colors.
In the end...
At the end of the day all of us would want to have an app that caters to maximum people and help the brand get recognised across the globe. For this to happen, one has to ensure that they follow the above-mentioned features while wither developing a mobile app by themselves or when hiring an external mobile development company.
In India, one can find the best of the mobile app developers in Gurgaon, Bengaluru and a few other places. These places can help you with both Android app development and or iOS app development. These cities can end your search to get the best of the best mobile app development companies in India. They help with services at very economical pricing as well. Hope the factors mentioned in this article helps you get the best mobile app developed for your brand! Do not forget to thank us once your app has become a well-known entity across the globe!