Eleven elite Android Libraries for faster Android App development

Android app development becomes arduous without a set of libraries. While developing a high-end android app, libraries play a vital role in saving the developers time. There is a community of developers who are working constantly to develop android libraries so that others can use them for developing bug-free android apps in less time. An android developer can get several benefits by utilizing these android libraries. So, we have handpicked 11 android libraries of 2018-19 that can be utilized in Android app development projects to complete the project quickly with minimum bugs. 1.MyLittleCanvas This library assists in working with canvas on Android, developers can now use objects instead of methods. It provides features like customized underlined under a TextView. It also allows the implementation of LineShape, PathShape, TextShape, RectShape and many more with Canvas methods. These features have made this library one of the top libraries of 2018 for android developers. 2.EventBus Developers face several difficulties while developing applications that communicate between multiple components. With a view to solve this problem, EventBus library was created. It uses a subscriber pattern. It decreases the complexity of the code by decoupling all the classes related to this library. 3. ExpansionPanel Expansion Panels allow the editing of an element and also contain creation flows. This library developed by Florent Champigny is rich in features that allow you to open one expansion layout by setting-up multiple pension layouts. A sample application in this project on Google Play is available to help developers in case they face any difficulty using this library. 4.Android Retrofit This android library allows developers to connect to HTTP based API services from their applications. It can also be used for receiving SimpleXML and Jackson like data structures. 5.ButterKnife ButterKnife is a view binding library. Android developers can use it for generating boilerplate code by the use of annotations. Binding drawable, strings, click events, etc. helps developers avoid writing repetitive code. Developers can save their time by utilizing this high-end android library. 6. Smart Lock for Passwords on Android This android library facilitates developers to automatically sign-in users using the saved credentials into their app. Along with username and passwords, users can also save other identity details. Credential APIs can be used to integrate Smart Lock Passwords into the app. 7.Kotlin-math Modelled after GLSL (OpenGL Shading Language) to make porting code easier, this library helps the developers to write graphics math easily. It is packed with Kotlin APIs. Only value types of variations are provided by this android library. 8.Objectbox Objectbox is used by developers as one of the alternatives for SQLite as it is an object-oriented embedded database. Mostly, this library is used for IoT offering a simple interface to the data. So developers who don’t want to use SQL can use this android library. 9.EasyPermissions This library allows the users to check if the app contains all the required permissions. It simplifies the system permissions login. System permissions can be requested with the method EasyPermission#requestPermissions. 10.Lottie This library specially designed for designers allows them to create astonishing animations. This library parses Adobe After Effects animations provide them in native sate on mobile. It allows to go forward and backward and also supports masks, trim paths, solids, dash patterns, and shape layers. 11.Activity Recognition API This android library provides the features of recognizing the activities of the user like standing, driving or running. Activity updates can be requested by pressing the “Request Updates” button. Similarly, the “Remove updates” button can be used to stop receiving updates. Conclusion Developers can get a lot of benefits by using these libraries that help to save their time and efforts. While developing android apps from scratch, they can use these libraries to make their applications stand out among other applications.