How much does it cost to make app like BigBasket

BigBasket App Cost: Many factors control the cost of an app making such as is there any necessity of payment gateway or not, whether it requires GPS navigation or not, and many more. The overall cost of an app is decided by its complexity and its which they are going to deliver to their customer. Cost may differ from country to country.
It is a bit of a difficult task to make an app like BigBasket. It is not a simple task to build we need to care three things:
- UI enhancement: The UI of an should be good company spends a lot of money on UI designers. It should be user friendly and it should as easy as ABC to access.
- Data Privacy: The data which are entered by the user such as mobile number, email id, credit, and debit card and passwords information should be encrypted.
- App size: User always wants that the app should consume more memory.
Developing cost can vary from $10000-$50000 depending on the cost of infrastructure company deploys in developing the application. Please click here to reach out to Yugasa to know more precise costing of an app.
BigBasket App Cost - App development may require the following personnel
- Project manager:
Communicates with the team and the client to avoid gaps and keeps a check on deadlines. They charge $17.50 per hour.
- Developer:
Develops the app by writing the codes and fixes bugs. They charge $15 per hour.
- Designer:
Responsible for the way the app looks and user-friendliness of the app. They charge $12 per hour.
- Tester:
Ensures the app performs as per requirements. They charge $12 per hour.
- Back end developer:
Ensures effective and uninterrupted communication between servers and databases for the proper functioning of the app. They charge $15 per hour.
Cost Calculation based on features
The BigBasket like app cost is determined on the following fundamental and high
level features including the circumstances discussed before.
- App platform
The Big basket App development cost varies based on different platforms; Android costs relatively higher than the iOS platform, it mainly has more devices to be tested.
- App size
The Cost of an App like Bigbasket depends on the overall size of an app is formed by its features and its functionality. This results in various surplus charges.
- Basic features
The e-commerce app cost like Bigbasket varies on user accounts, their shopping carts and order history, ratings and reviews, are the basic feature that occupies time and affect the overall costs of developing an app like this.
- App design
The Cost of an App like Big basket depends on designs, it is important to fancy buyers by inspiring them to make purchases. The app must be designed to be user-friendly. The design of an app is decided by the User Interface designer.
- App Developer
The development cost of BigBasket like app varies with a good and experienced developer is vital as his location and expertise also influencing the development of the app. The more the experienced the developer is the more money he will cost.
- Position tracking
User situation Tracking allows marketers to tell buyers about the product distribution date, and customers get product delivery date, before buying the goods. It also tells the customer when the product is going to be delivered to them.
- Advance and External Features
Cost of an app like BigBasket varies with features like data sync, geolocation, booking/delivery calendar, push notification alongside OTP evaluation, data travel, in-app calling/messaging. It also includes data protection of the customer.
- My Cart feature
My Basket Feature enables customers to monitor the goods that they had added to the truck first. This feature is similar as we pick up our essentials in stores.
- Active-Basket
mart-Basket, which automatically covers goods that customers shop for most frequently.
Yugasa software labs are the number 1 app-building company in India. We help startups and businesses in building an android mobile or iOS app. We have helped over 250+ startups to build their apps.
Let us know your requirements, we will try our best to achieve those goals.