Mobile Application: Mobile app development is not an easy process. You need to know how much time it will take to develop an app for mobile.

After developing a business plan for your mobile app and how much you can from an app, it’s important to know the time needed to build a mobile app.

Based on the type and structure of the apps, building an app can take an average of three to seven months. But before developing an app you need to spend time on many things for successful app development. The process before developing an app will take a different amount of time based on your team and the references.

If time is saved on each process you will have more time during app development. You can’t just develop an app, Mobile Application because all over the world developers build millions of apps daily. In those apps, only some of them last for long and many get deleted in a short time due to improper development.

Some companies develop apps in a short time without proper processing to launch it in store. But you need to follow many processes that take time for a proper app building. 

If you are still confused about the time to take to build an app, this article will explain to you about the stages of the app development process and the amount of time it will take. 

1. Brief Writing - Mobile Application

Brief writing is nothing but writing about the aim of your project and describing your success in metrics, range of budget, and rate of delivery of your app and it should also include a project proposal. This is the base stage for your app development. 

2. Forming and Researching Ideas

You will get a lot of ideas while developing an app, it's better to form those ideas and research on it. It will help you to build a successful app with those ideas. Because ideas will raise for everyone but researching those and implementing them is a very tough process.

While researching your ideas try to test it in an application. Researching your ideas test applications will give a solution to you whether your ideas will work or not. 

Researching your idea is not only about testing and improving if anything needs to be changed. It also includes strategies you need to follow for marketing your app and app monetization.

By the end of the research, you should know very well about your competitors, the audience you need to target, revenues you can generate, changes to make in your app, etc. This competitor analysis will make your product stand out from similar apps.

3. Planning

Planning is the most important stage of the app-building and it should explain clearly the time that will take for your app development. Planning will help you to know about the technical wants for your project. It should give you what hardware and software are needed for developing your app.

After researching your competitor, market, and a similar product you should decide how your app should be. The major thing to decide in this stage is the configurations of your app. The app functions and features like buttons and the options in the app need to plan for user convenience.

Plan not only for now also for later when there is a need for upgrading your app. Also, choose the platform in which your app can perform better.

If there is an existing app similar to your app analyze how it performs and features and functions people expect from them. This planning stage will take two to three weeks.

4. Team Selection 

Selecting your team is a tough process and if it works out well app development process will get finished rapidly.

Team members should have the capability to solve any problem during the development process. While building your app, not only you also your team plays an important role.

Selecting your team is very easy than other processes if you know well about them.

5. Design Sprint 

Sprint is a process in which a product is designed and the exact prototype of your model is tested with the real customers to get more ideas about your product.

This helps you to understand how your target customers like to use your product and which feature attracts them more. It takes less than two weak to complete sprint designing. 

6. Development Stage

The most complicated and important phase to develop a successful app is the development stage. Now you know very well about your project after the sprint, so you can start designing and developing your app.

In the development stage you will have a lot to do why because the UI, Frontend, Backend designing will be done. When you start designing an app in a way to make it look nice these three things should be taken care of.

The graphic designer will do the User interface (UI) work. UI is the design of pages, visual elements, and the screen options in the app. UI designers will take care of these things to increase the user experience for your target audience.

The persons who do the frontend and backend do need more experience. Because these components help in the app development to improve apps. what the user visualizes inside the app is designed by frontend developers.

But the frontend will not act and perform alone until the backend is developed. The backend controls all functions of the app including the User interface.

The frontend controls caches, synchronization, UI design, and development. Like the frontend, the backend controls user management and data storing and data collecting. 

7. Testing

The in-app development process testing stage helps you to identify the errors and helps to rectify it. By running the app test, you can find how your app works and what things you need to improve.

Developers follow their own App testing strategies for the test run. They either hire people to use it and propose how it is or by using the software.

8. Deployment

There are more than one million apps in apps stores and developers deploy thousands of apps every day.

So, the deployment of apps takes more time in the app-building process and they divide deployment into submission and review. For deploying your apps, you need to provide company details, screenshots, descriptions to the store.

How To Enhance Your Mobile Application Development Journey?

You will implement app developing ideas soon the same as you should build your app too. When you start to implement some app, the idea makes it soon because somewhere the idea will be in process in some company.

So, it’s better to make it soon. To speed up the app development process you need to hire a professional developer and try to build your app in a cross-platform. Because in android and iOS platforms the cost is high and takes more time.

How To Avoid Slow Mobile Application Development?

There are some factors that can slow down app development to avoid those to build the app so soon. Factors that slow down app-building are Mid changes in projects and inexperienced developers.

When you change something in the middle of a project will affect app development and performance.


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