Due to the everchanging factors responsible for a satisfactory customer experience, companies are always eager to adapt to new and trendy technologies. 

Customer experience(CX) will determine whether a new user will align themselves with your organisation or should he be looking for a better option to count on for their product.

As the company understands the ever changing scenario, they are all lined up to infuse Artificial Intelligence(AI) technology in all the aspects of their business. Whether, the organisation is dealing with a new customer and wants to win over a lead, the retention of the old loyal customers, or the handling of the organization’s internal affairs, AI can be of significant use in all aspects.

31% of companies want to use AI to significantly improve the customer experience – Forrester 

AI for Enhancing customer Experience

Ever since AI made it to the use of organisations, they are being used as a tool to assist their customers. This can easily be seen in the auto-suggestion of the products according to the customers persona, which is based on the user’s business history. They are also being used to make intelligent chatbots which will greet and converse with the user’s to understand their needs and provide them with satisfactory answers.

Let’s see the various use aspects of AI in enhancing customer experience 

  1. Machine learning to understand intent

Numerous solutions you experience today are prepared to give results yet not answers. Chatbots and virtual agents are normal models we've seen inside the previous  years. However, there's a huge contrast between the two. The "knowledge" behind chatbots has been generally scripted by designers, making situations to foresee normal inquiries posed by clients. 

For instance, on the off chance that you're looking for another vehicle, at that point you'll probably begin by visiting the automobile producer's site. The chatbot on the site may incite you with the standard thing, "How might I help you?" And you answer, "Which vehicles have all-wheel drive?" For this situation, the chatbot reacts with a rundown of results that show all the vehicles accessible with all-wheel drive. Be that as it may, this invests the energy on you to refine and limit your decisions from this rundown. 

In the event if a virtual agent is utolozed, you could talk all the more conversationally and state, like, "I need to take this vehicle to the mountains." Or, you may react in light of a particular area, for example, "I plan on heading to Pike's Peak." 

The AI that controls the virtual operator comprehends the plan of your reaction. It learns and starts to comprehend the setting of explicit demands so it gives you alternatives for all-wheel drive vehicles rather than you having to explicitly pose that inquiry. 

You could attempt to physically content responses to each conceivable inquiry a client could pose, yet it would most likely be an unthinkable undertaking. AI innovation gets aim and how individuals pose inquiries. Furthermore, after some time, it picks up that seeing so clients can draw in virtual specialists as though they're conversing with somebody at a business. These operators comprehend what you mean and can make suggestions as you would have, in actuality, discussions.

Machine Learning to improve search results

 At the point when you consider Google, you realize you can ask the web search engines an inquiry and you'll be given genuine answers, or even "individuals likewise ask" prompts to assist you with finding the most appropriate answer. 

Thinking about the insight behind hunt, you could utilize this to improve viability of your inside applications or intranet arrangements. You could ask, "The amount PTO do I have left?" The inquiry application would associate with your workforce arrangements, see the time you've utilized and the absolute time you can accumulate for your job, and return with an answer. At that point, the arrangement could interface you to a PTO demand measure since it understands you're most likely getting some information about your PTO offset with the idea of mentioning downtime.

Assisting customer support agents

In Some cases AI, lend an additional hand for client support operators by tuning in to discussions with clients and introducing suggested answers, strategies, etc. 

Instead of having the specialist explore between three or four applications without a moment's delay, an AI  inserted inside the framework can inquire various data sets progressively and present important data to the operator. This wipes out a stage for the specialist, permits them to zero in on the client, and decreases the call time expected to determine or address the client's needs.

Identifying trends in heaps of data

Other AI use cases incorporate searching through information to pinpoint patterns and openings. It can break down the patterns followed on your site, for example, which items individuals view and things for which individuals are looking. You can survey activities taken, where changes occurred, and whether the exchanges were finished. 

While there's huge incentive in perceiving how clients carry on, think about the volume of chronicles to survey. When you have thousands – or even millions – of sessions, how is it plausible to physically go over such information? You can't have a couple of individuals stay there and watch them. Decibel Insights is an AI instrument that can distinguish patterns among countless meetings. For instance, it might see clients having issues on a particular page or review a particular item. Artificial intelligence dominates this situation since it totals information and focuses on likely issues. 

Also, AI is incredible for supposition investigation. With the capacity to do huge scope handling of datasets and client audits, associations can set up these devices and detect the patterns and development openings.


Advancing technologies, like AI, make it possible to be successful marketers and meet customers where they are. You have to think about the best ways to leverage AI for the experience you’re trying to create. It should be considered for every solution, but there are many untapped applications for AI because not all the use cases are defined.

It’s on you as marketing leaders to understand your customers, their expectations, and their journey to find opportunities where you can incorporate AI and take advantage of its potential for creating better solutions and experiences.