Web design trends 2021: 2020 has been hard for all of us. We are all growing a little frazzled with the gallons of sanitizer, uncomfortable Zoom meetings, and the looming anxiety of confusion.

We all did our utmost to move on through it all, considering the circumstances.

All of us have taken the time to learn new skills in design. And some of us have only made bread from sourdough. We have all our coping abilities.

We have been holding an eye on the never-ending patterns on the web when it comes to architecture.

We put together a detailed list of some of the Web design trends 2021 developments we expect to see well into 2021, after talking to the Design Lab squad at Yugasa, and a couple of other designers.

We hope that not only does this list inspire you, but it helps you view the web more inclusively and openly.

1. Retro Fonts

We've seen a lot of old stuff get hip again and then get even more uncool in response. Dream of handlebar mustaches and jeans for mum. There's a brief shelf time for Irony.

This same ebb and flow were faced by retro fonts in their success, and many styles using classic typography have not aged well.

Throwback typography, however, has experienced a touch of a revival. We don't have the old boring fonts. Rather, stylization is reimagining what classic fonts can be and a bit of artistry.

On Spotify's Carnival promotion tab, we see this convergence between old and modern. They inject new life into conventional bold fonts with a touch of experimentation, instead of looking outdated and cliche.

2. Horizontal Scrolling - Web design trends 2021

Previously classified as an ersatz web interface, the horizontal scroll is coming back.

We're seeing more website developers continuing their horizontal scroll experiments. Those that do it better break the trend, as in a picture gallery, not for the sake of being odd, but as a realistic means to gradually reveal secondary details.

These factors will be taken into account by designers who effectively use horizontal scrolls in 2021:

  • Do not compel users to navigate through horizontal content: allow alternative ways of navigation, such as simple label arrow buttons.
  • Use simple visual indications to show where horizontal scroll material is used and do not conceal these signs behind hovers.
  • Be mindful of what content will gain from being shown in a horizontal scroll. A photo gallery is a strong candidate since a horizontal scroll will give visitors a limited glimpse and encourage them to see further or continue down the page.
  • For text that must be read, prevent needing horizontal scrolling

3. Parallax scroll effects

For years, parallax scroll effects have been a theme in the design of websites, and we expect to see more subtle and innovative explorations of what can be done with parallax in 2021.

Know that so much parallax movement can be dangerous to those with vestibular problems and it can induce disorientation and dizziness due to the sensation of depth and movement. Here are few recommendations that we see more designers take into account to ensure that parallax is minimally integrated and without harm:

  • Don't let the symptoms of parallax detract from significant details
  • Don't make it more difficult for the consumer to finish an essential job
  • Keep to a minimum the number of parallax symptoms
  • Minimize within each instance the sum of parallax movement
  • Constraining the impact of parallax within a small region of the screen
  • Provide users with an option to turn off parallax effects

4. 3D Visuals - Web design trends 2021

3D architecture has come a long way from GeoCities' blocky and beveled edges with the introduction of higher resolution displays.

We've seen 3D graphics of high quality weaved effortlessly into web projects. They're contributing to the overall user experience instead of being garish obstacles.

5. Multimedia Experiences

Multimedia online experiences are popping up everywhere as most users have access to higher internet speeds. Bringing graphics, text, video, and audio together allows for a rich user interface.

Effective designs will use limitations on multimedia environments in 2021:

  • Try to maximize simplicity, such as where gesture and audio are mixed. For those with learning disabilities, so much can be distracting or daunting.
  • Use multiple media types thoughtfully as a way to optimize content usability.
  • Include all pre-recorded multimedia with closed captioning and translations.
  • Include alt text for images, and apply longer detailed text to complex images.
  • Make sure that all text is HTML-based rather than rendered inside images.
  • Stop video or gesture content autoplay: instead, have a simple "play" button that allows the user the ability to play and pause the content.

6. Augmented Reality (AR) Experiences

And let's not forget any of the fantastic immersive environments using virtual reality with multimedia experiences (AR). AR means more now than just on your Apple or Android smart device looking for Pokémon.

For almost all, modern technology such as the WebXR API and applications created by Wayfair Technologies has opened up this realm.

7. Preferential Designs - Web design trends 2021

In delivering more personalized experiences, online creation has taken great strides.

This can be anything from a transition to dark/light mode and other ways to change the appearance and navigation of a platform to providing content custom-tailored to one's taste, such as Spotify's custom playlists.

The Internet is made less of a passive user interface and more user-centered by modern programming techniques and algorithms.

The future will place even more emphasis on satisfying the wants, expectations, and preferences of those who browse websites.

If you’re looking for a creative web development solution that knows and follows all such trends, we got your back!

At Yugasa, we have a creative development team that ensures itself to stay up to date with the latest trends to give your users the best of the experience.

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