PHP Vs Node.js - Argument continues

PHP Vs Node.js: Argument of selecting better option out of PHP and Node.js does not seem to come to a conclusion in near future. Until few years back there had been no such confusion amongest developers. Both the technology stacks ruled the tech world together for a long time. Javascript was always considered for handling front end details and PHP enjoyed an unbeaten status for server side tasks.
The spark to prove one better over the other started when Javascript intereferred in PHP's unspoken domain of port 80 and MySQL. It was one sudden discovery which claimed of no need for PHP to build newer generation applications. Node.js was announced to be a perfect fit for everything. This sounded as if this new invention had made developers' lives easier. They were not required to learn two languages any more. Though complete transition from PHP to Javascript could had never been that easy, even if PHP would had totaly surrendered. But the destiny was different. PHP geared up to step up and gave a hard competition to Node.js for all those new features, which Node.js had brought on table.
Both platforms have continued to improve in last few years. While CMSs like Drupal, Wordpress & Magento and Frameworks like CakePHP, Codeignitor & Laravel had proved their power already, Javascript also came up with ever expanding collection of excellent frameworks like React.js, Angular.js Meteor and Express.
PHP introduced just in time compiler for quicker answer delivery thus answering a feature of Node.js . PHP 7 and HHVM offer on the fly optimization to let developers' accept that PHP lags nowhere. Though Javascript is convincing for its simplicity, PHP stands firm for its long stable history.
PHP holds upper hand for following features - PHP Vs Node.js
- Code mixing with content
- Sort of simpler
- No client app required
- Goes well with SQL DBs
- No Compilers, no HAR, no Deployment etc... thus it is kind of faster for developers to code
Node wins over PHP for following reasons
- Newer code ence more modern features
- Support of useful features like closures
- Service calls are thinner
- Supports JSON
Overall, both technologies have their positives and negatives. Developers still do not have a very clear choice and it is duty of a software development consultant to let it decide as to what suites best for a specific app. We at Yugasa Software Labs work quite extensively on PHP as well as Node and help our clients understand the best technology stack for their applications needs.