Points to consider while developing a mobile app for your startup

Mobile App For Your Startup: The use and need of mobile applications vary from person to person. There is no single mobile application for everyone in the world and the main reason for this is the usage of different devices and other external factors like place, need, work, etc.
Mobile applications should be developed for the masses on basis of characteristics and not for a single person.
Choosing target Audience - Mobile App For Your Startup
While developing mobile application one should keep in mind the factors that can affect the audience that you are targeting. Most influential factors should be listed first and accordingly the target audience should be selected. This will make mobile application marketing specific and easy. Let us list and discuss such factors for mobile application development:
Knowing the color that your audience will prefer is important along with the theme. Like the mobile application for flowers will have a background of petals and flowers while a yoga application will have a calmer theme. Attracting the target audience and then making them stick to your mobile application is the biggest challenge.
Marketing - Mobile App For Your Startup
Before starting the marketing of your mobile application try to find out the answer of question like why do you think your audience needs mobile application? This analysis should be ideally done before mobile application development. One should do detailed analysis of environment, people, place, attitude and perception towards mobile application.
Try to find out what device your target audience is using and hence, which operating system. Like if your audience prefer Android platform and not iOS then develop the application in Android only. For example an app for fleet of security guards to report their attendance daily will not be required to be supported on an iOS device.
External factors
Some important factors that play equal role in determining target audience is gathering the data like gender, age, income group, geography etc.
There is no specific way of knowing target audience; all it needs is detailed analysis and study of the factors that can directly or indirectly effect your mobile application.
App weight and size
Users prefer to download those apps which are smaller in size. Even after the app is already installed, if at any time a user finds the apps consuming lot of his phone's resources, he will not hesitate much in removing that app from his phone. Contrary to this, if your app's size is small, then there are less chances for you to get removed even if your app is used rarely by the user. So prefer to make app light in size
Running Offline
Mobile application should have a feature of running sensibly in offline mode too. There are certain reasons at times for apps to need internet for well working. But any such thing which can be run in offline mode and can later be synced online should be done accordingly. So whenever you plan to get an app developed from your developers then ask them to make it compatible for running in offline mode, wherever, it is needed.
We at Yugasa Software Labs understand in and out of mobile app development. Reach us at contact@yugasa.com for discussions around your mobile app idea.