Artificial Intelligence 2019: Artificial Intelligence is one of the greatest technologies used in the world. AI is highly used by the virtual industry as it added freshness to their products and services. All the products as well as services are more effective and advanced with the introduction of AI. We can find AI everywhere in the tech world now. We even can say AI is present everywhere, it is powering almost everything from our TVs to even our toothbrush.

The term artificial intelligence is many times misused but the technology is doing far more than ever, either good or bad. It is being deployed in healthcare, warfare, music industry, book publishing, and every other possible place. In short, it is highly influencing your life. In 2019 we will see AI evolve so that it can be designed to be around humans. This will likely add more jobs and also it will eliminate manual processes by allowing workers to be empowered with AI.

the journey of artificial intelligence in 2019
Image Credit: Freepik

2019 is surely going to be the year of a social contract between people and AI. AI will take on more roles in society, especially the roles taken by humans. Thus there is a need to outline a new social contract between people and AI. Our relationship with technology is changing drastically. The way we interact with virtual assistants like Alexa and Siri at home, or the way we work with AI in the field of healthcare, advertisement, recruitment and many more is changing. Thus, this requires an entirely new mentality around the relationship between AI and humans.

As AI is increasingly taking up the roles of humans, it will be judged not only on the basis of its IQ but also on the basis of its emotional intelligence (EQ). EQ is the ability to understand and perceive human things. The ability to understand human emotions will be a great criterion from which AI will be judged.

Here we have pointed out some of the major changes that might occur in AI technology.

  • 2019 will witness the development of more AI-specific hardware.
  • AI will provide more job opportunities than it has destroyed.
  • Due to the advancement of AI client-side training will be much more popular and in demand.
  • Kubernetes containers will become a major part of AI pipeline.
  • AutoML will become one of the standards for supervised learning tasks.
  • Mainstream generative modules will be highly in use.
  • AI will be highly used in the field of defense and trade between countries.
  • AI and automation drilling will go deeper into the market.
  • AI assistants will be highly used and surely will be highly useful.
  • Automated Machine learning will be used in more fields.
  • AI will accelerate the end of an ownership society.
  • Non-tech companies will also start investing in AI.
  • AI will surely focus more on the privacy of data and information about business and individual.
  • The use of virtual agents will increase.
  • We will witness the rise of voice search and smart speakers.
  • Deep learning will be a major AI skill in 2019.
  • The future of surveillance will be shaped by computer vision.


The above points clearly shows the path that AI is going to travel in 2019. We believe that 2019 might be the year for AI and its products. With great advantages and willingness of people to integrate AI everywhere will surely lead to some more new and improved AI technologies. Deep learning will be a major focus of the AI industry. Most of the health care sectors are highly relying on the AI deep learning. Similarly, we will see the entertainment industry making the most out of AI. It is believed that AI is the reason many people are losing their jobs. But in 2019 AI will change this prescription of people and it will create more job opportunities. Also, workers will be smarter because of AI technology. So we can conclude that 2019 might be the year for AI and we might see many business and individual's life influenced and even run by AI technology.