Three New Features Coming to WhatsApp: WhatsApp has announced three new features that will soon be available to its users. One of the new features is a desktop editor for web and mobile versions, another is sticker suggestions and the third one includes link previews. WhatsApp has been updating its app regularly with many cool features since it was acquired by Facebook in 2014. Announcing the features, WhatsApp said in a statement, “We know feeling comfortable expressing yourself is an important part of why people use WhatsApp to keep in contact with their friends and family. Whether that’s sending voice messages or photos and videos, sharing a Status post, or a link to something you’ve seen online. Over the past few months, we’ve made a few changes to WhatsApp to answer some of your feature requests and to keep giving you the best experience.” The first feature, the desktop editor is now available on both web as well as mobile versions of WhatsApp so you can edit your images before sending them out. You can crop or rotate an image before you send it off on either your phone or laptop! The second feature we're excited about is the addition of sticker suggestions that come up when typing certain words like 'sad.' Three New Features Coming to WhatsApp, If you're looking for a certain cartoon character, you can search for it too! You will notice that there are different suggestions based on the language you're typing. The third feature is Link Previews. Link Previews are basically a short description of the link you're sending to your friends and family, giving them more context about what they're clicking on. This works for links in text messages as well as those shared through media attachments such as images or videos! Link previews have been one of the most requested features by WhatsApp users so this feature is definitely something to be excited about. "We hope you enjoy these features and continue sending us your feedback so we can make WhatsApp even better!" WhatsApp said. WhatsApp has rolled out these new features after testing them with select audiences. The features will be available to all users soon. Read More: WHATSAPP’S NEW FEATURE ALLOWS YOU TO JOIN ONGOING CALLS DIRECTLY FROM GROUP CHATS

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