Front-End Development Tools 2020: Changing times bring with them the need to change and upgrade oneself. Only then can you compete and provide with the modern world’s demands. That is also the case with tools for front end development of web pages, applications, etc.

New and better tools are being developed with the need for a novelty of services. Top 15 Front-End Development Tools 2020

1) Grunt - Front-End Development Tools 2020

Starting out the list we Grunt JavaScript task runner. As the name suggests, it is a command-line tool for JavaScript objects and a task manager based on NodeJS. It is one of the best front end development tools available, especially in terms of task automation.

A major feature is a provision to write all kinds of customized tasks according to one’s requirement. It unifies the workflows of the web developers and simplifies tasks such as minifying, compilation, and testing of files easily. 

Above all, Grunt boasts a huge number of plugins for varied requirements. It is also very easy to create your own plugin if needed.

2) CodeKit

CodeKit gives the users four options as to, how compact they want their CSS to be, from absolutely minified to zero minification. This tool saves a lot of time for front end developers as it automatedly compiles the languages we read about in tutorials.

This tool can be used to prepare a variety of files for use. The tool choices for CodeKit are easily available and do not need any build script hacking. It works with Sass, Less, Pug, Stylus, etc. and other file types can also be manually edited. 

CodeKit works on all platforms and syncs with all browsers easily, which makes it one of the leading tools for front-end development. 

3) Vue.js

It is essentially a library used to build interactive web interfaces and when merged with certain other tools, it can even be turned into a front end framework.

However, on its own, Vue.js is focused on the view layer only. Its main aim is to provide reactive data binding and composable view components with an easy to understand API.

This tool is pretty graspable and can be easily integrated with almost any pre-existing library or file. Its main benefit is the absence of pedigree. 

Vue.js is much more user-friendly than other older tools, especially for novice users. 

4) AngularJS - Front-End Development Tools 2020

AngularJS is an open-source front end development tool that uses HTML as its template language and is now maintained by Google. It’s a completely free and efficient framework that can create Rich Internet Applications.

You can make a single page application in a very clean and maintainable way. It has reusable components that allow developers to get more out of a shortcode.

All AngularJS apps are easily accessible on all devices, work on both Windows and IOS, and most other platforms, and sync with all browsers.

5) TypeScript

TypeScript has the same syntax and semantics that most of the JavaScript developer’s community are already familiar with nowadays. It utilizes the active JavaScript code to slot all the rage JavaScript libraries.

It easily translates to fresh, effortless JavaScript code that operates on all of the browsers, in Node.js, and in any JavaScript engine that uses ECMAScript

This is also an open-source front-end development tool that creates the best web development environment. It even inculcates other JavaScript libraries.

TypeScript is usable on all platforms that support JavaScript.

6) Materialize

It is an interactive front-end development framework and is based on Responsive design. It helps save time in the development process by providing the user with styles not just for default components but also for customized components.

The templates provided are easily accessible and fun to use. Material has been designed to a great extent by keeping UI in mind to create a framework that provides components and animations that create a unified platform that provides improved feedback to users.

The availability of detailed documentation and examples make it simple to learn and use.

7) Meteor

Meteor provides a platform to develop apps for both the web and mobile platforms. This JavaScript-based framework has is a universal app, which means that the same code can be used for web browsers as well as mobiles.

It has a set of technologies for the development of interactive applications, a build tool, etc. It has a huge number of packages that are easy to install and use.

Coding on this platform is very easy and user-friendly. Only JS is needed for coding on both the developers as well as the client’s end. Its main benefit is that it provides cloud service for Meteor app deployment.

8) The Polymer Project

The Polymer Project is a JS library that was initiated by chrome with the purpose of making the web better. It is an open-source library that allows you to create your own customized elements using HTML, CSS, and JS to make it more interactive.

It is accessible on different browsers and provides both one-way and two-way data binding. It provides polyfills (web development specifications) for customizing and reusing data. It includes libraries that give developers the power of web components, HTTP/2, etc. For hybrid mobile apps, it uses Google material design.

 9) TensorFlow

TensorFlow is an open-source, python friendly, Google Brain’s product. Even though the reference implementation runs on single devices, TensorFlow can run on multiple CPUs and GPUs. TensorFlow is usable on 64-bit Linux, macOS, Windows, and mobile computing platforms including Android and iOS.

It ties in the use of machine learning and deep learning (neural networking) models to make them useful with a common metaphor. The use of Python is to provide a convenient front-end API for building applications with TensorFlow, while to implement those applications high-performance C++ is used. The best benefit is that TensorFlow supports production prediction in par, with the same models that are used for training.

10) Webstorm

Webstorm is an IDE and is very important for the development ecosystem. It supports HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript, and Stylesheets with features such as code completion, error detection, navigation, etc.

Also, WebStorm can be used for files comprising with Angular, React, and Vue.js for Web, with Ionic, Cordova, React Native for Mobile, with Node.js, Meteor for Servers, and Desktop with Electron.

11) Foundation

Foundation is another front-end development tool that can be used on any device, medium, or platform. It allows the creation of interactive websites, apps, and even emails.

It has faster development and load speed and comprises the cleanest of all markups. It is easy to learn for both experienced and novice users and if you need customization, it will serve the purpose best. 

12) Chrome Developer Tools

Chrome has created a set of developer tools which consist of a set of platforms that are built directly into the Google Chrome browser available on the internet.

It helps you to inspect pages and their components easily without having to go to the IDE and back again and again. It speeds up the development and debugging processes.

13) Novi builder

Novi Builder is a very flexible drag and drops editor for developing web page designs, specifically HTML, and its components.

Some of its features are a comprehensive text editor, context highlighting editor for HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, intuitive context menus, media libraries, and interactable layout previewing. Many designs are pre-loaded so that one doesn’t need to start from scratch.

14) Web Speech API

The web speech API is another open-source tool launched by Google. It is used to add speech recognition to front-end applications. It is also be used to synthesize speech based on the text that is provided.

15) SASS

Sass is has been recognized as one of the best ways of extending CSS. It is in a way preprocessor for CSS and its core team has been actively supporting it for the past 13 years and therefore is fully compatible with all versions of CSS.


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