Top Programming Languages: IoT has become the buzzword in the world of technology today. It is a concept of connecting two or more devices with each other through the internet. It is due to IoT only that air conditioners can improve their performance on the basis of usage and self-driving cars can autonomously navigate in traffic.

According to some developers, IoT can be used for collecting data about anything which is measurable. In one way it is an opportunity for entrepreneurs who want to develop any kind of innovative product that is beneficial and fulfills the requirements of users in daily life.

Top Programming Languages -

top three programming languages best suited for iot projects
Image Credit: Pixabay

This is only possible when the right programming tools and technologies are chosen. In IoT, development tools are chosen considering these three areas: a collection of data, organization of data and processing of data. Since all these phases have different processes involved, varieties of tools are used.

This article focuses on the server-side of IoT development. The generated data is stored, analyzed and processed on the cloud so it is essential to choose suitable programming languages.

Top 3 programming languages used for cloud IoT

It was found in a survey that certain languages are suitable for each area of IoT development:

  • C, C++ and python for data collection
  • C, Java and Python for data organization
  • Java, Python, and JavaScript for data processing

Thus, it can be concluded that Java, JavaScript, and Python are the most suitable languages for programming the server-side in IoT. Although all of these three languages are different along with their own pros and cons, there are some similarities in them that make them the best choice for IoT development like management of a high number of responses efficiently, modules with advanced repositories and great support.

Let’s see each of these languages in detail to know why they are best suited for IoT development:

Java The nature and functionality of Java make it an excellent option for IoT development. Some of its features are

Platform independence

The “write once, run anywhere” feature of java is of great importance for IoT development. Since there is involvement of numerous devices in a single IoT operation, JVM can be used to switch the written code between devices.


Since different hardware, cloud computing and sensors like numerous technologies are involved in IoT, the high interoperability feature of Java brings all of these technologies together that helps devices communicate efficiently.

JavaScript Mostly used with HTML and browsers JavaScript is also one of the top languages used for IoT development.

Node.js Node.js is a JavaScript server capable of managing a number of requests effectively. Since voluminous data is generated from a variety of devices used in IoT projects Node.js is of great help.

Tools and features

Java consists of some tools and libraries like Async, Underscore.js and testing tools that provide more flexibility and freedom to the developer during the development process.

Likewise, frameworks like CyclonJS, IoT.js and Jerry Script are best suited for IoT development,

Python has become one of the popular languages recently for IoT development as it is easy to learn and offers a wide range of tools.

Advanced Set of Tools

Python contains some tools and libraries that are specially designed for IoT development. It contains TensorFlow for Machine Learning and OpenCV for computer vision. Similarly, Matplotlib for data visualization and SciPy for scientific computing make it a powerful language for IoT projects.

Microcontrollers friendly

Microcontrollers are needed for transmission of data and communication between devices that collect data. Thus, Python being operable on microcontrollers can contribute in IoT development.

In conclusion

Other than the three languages mentioned above, C and PHP are also used for developing IoT projects. The reason why the aforementioned programming languages are used more is due to their advanced tools, libraries, and flexibility.

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