Website Redesign: "The first impression is the last impression", this saying becomes more apt and inevitable when we know that "94% of all first impressions on a website are design related"

What is Website Redesign?

A website redesign is defined as revamping and updating of site's content, layout, and navigations to improve the execution of the website and to remain competitive in the infinity web world of the internet.

Therefore, it is very essential to keep moving with time, in order to sustain conversions or get new ones. This, my friend, is called a website redesign.

When to go for Website Redesign?

It is necessary to know when and why are we going for the website redesigning. It helps us in defining our objectives.


When traffic on the website starts declining and the click-through rate keeps decreasing to the point low traffic becomes the trend. It is time for redesigning.


When you start getting low ratings for the content on your website, then it is time to update the monotonous blogs, articles, graphics to give it an extra edge.


When your website starts taking much time to load, it is the signal to optimize your site to improve its efficiency by moderating its layout and redesign.

Pointers to note - Website Redesign

Now, before we start the process of redesigning, we should keep certain pointers in consideration to achieve the objectives of our endeavor.


Review your website from its aesthetics, layouts, design to aesthetics in order to find out the objectives and explore the good aspects to add or bad aspects to remove without affecting the business of the site functioning.


With the help of analytics tools, inspect the site traffic, CONVERSIONS, and bounce rate to get an insight about the performance of the website and areas to improve.


It is very important to know the demography of your users, as it will help you to design the website in line with how they navigate or consume the site.

For Example, Gen Y or Z will navigate the site quickly by graphics, on the other hand, the older generation will try to read the instructions to navigate.


"73% of companies invest in design to differentiate their brand from the competition"

Therefore, it is essential to analyze and explore your competitor's websites to gain insight about their services and offerings to remain updated and find out your own USP to give and sustain the competition.


"90% of smartphone users will continue to shop at a website if the UX is very good"

Thus, it becomes the most important point to keep in mind, as we know users have very little time for what they are looking for and they spend very few seconds on a website to form an opinion.

We should design the website in such a way that its load time is very less and free from bugs or errors.


While redesigning, content must be updated to keep the marketing plan intact or content must be completely modified in order to revamp the marketing model.

Content is added or removed keeping in mind the market and your market model.

[7] SEO

SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION is the most vital aspect which helps in keeping your website in the higher ranks of search engines and optimizes your visibility in this clutter of the internet world.

Therefore, always update or redesign your website in such a way that it has the least effect on your SEO and does not change your website rankings.

Final Take: Conclusion

Redesigning is an art that takes a lot of hard work. Hence, Yugasa can guide you throughout the above pointers.

Yugasa will also help you to develop a planning model, so that it becomes easier to redesign and update your website when required, without overwhelming or underwhelming yourself.

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