E-Commerce Website: A website is one of the most essential parts of the business world now. To run a successful e-commerce business you should have a very attractive and robust website. Good consumer experience in e-commerce means you attract them to land to the payment zone and buy the product from you rather than just visit the portal and return back without buying.

There are many factors that can be considered on your site to attract a customer. Let us look about some of the points defining what a customer is looking from an e-commerce portal.

Design - E-Commerce Website

what are the requirements of customers in e commerce website
Image Credit: Pxhere

Think like you are a consumer. Will you walk to a store which doesn't look attractive and has an uninviting atmosphere? Off course not. Similarly, your portal is like your store where people visit online. If you are not having a good and attractive design, no consumer will try to visit your website. A good website design speaks a lot about the brand image behind the screen. The first impression is the last impression. So if you are having a good impression from your website, customers will be impressed, as almost design is the first thing in front of a customer while they visit your portal. Therefore it is very important to have a good design for your website.

Loading Speed

This is one of the most important things to be considered while building a web portal for your e-commerce business. Everybody wants speed in everything these days. So it is the major duty for you to provide a speedy and fully optimized online store. Websites with faster loading speed will not just increase customers but also increase the number of sales. A study shows that most of the online shoppers abandon shopping after waiting for 3 seconds to load. So you should have a really fast and fully optimized portal for your business.

E-Commerce Website - Product Information

The product page is one of the major places which decides whether you will get more customers or less. So the product and product information should be highly considered to increase sales. Your product page must have all the necessary details like price, discounts, size and other important information. No customer wants to end up trying to buy a product which is out of stock. So all the product information should be mentioned properly and should be changed and updated time and again.

Transactional Cart

When your customer has come so far to buy or make payment for a product after visiting your portal and selecting a product, they should not be disappointed with payment issues. Glitches and unfriendly surprises like high shipping cost or compulsory registration before placing orders can be suicidal for business. People will not accept and not like such things. It is better to show the shipping cost with the product information and should have all major payment options for your website.

Secure Payment options

If you want a visitor to convert to a customer you must win their trust. The best way to do that is to have highly comfortable, visible and trusted payment options on the website. Online shoppers are really smart nowadays and they mostly look for secured payment methods. Your website should also allow standard and secured checkout after online purchase. It will be really better if you display your SSL certificate on the portal. SSL is a certification for secured and encrypted payment methods. This helps to win the trust of customers.

The above points if followed strictly will ensure that you have a very profitable business. These are the major things that a normal customer looks for in the websites before purchase. So go and have a look on your portal, if your portal has these features or not?