Are you a startup or a business that wants to make its presence felt in the ever increasing digital world? If your answer is yes, then you have landed in one of the best pages for doing so. Here you can learn about Drupal and why you should use Drupal for custom web application development.

What is Drupal?

Drupal is one of the best platforms that is available for global enterprises, governments, education institutions and NGOs for web content management. What makes Drupal one of the best platforms is its flexibility and scalability, which enables it to publish in a single website or share it in various languages across many devices. Many of the world’s technology and business leaders use Drupal to transform content management into powerful digital solutions. Drupal is also preferred a lot because it is backed by one of the world’s best open source communities.

Top 5 reasons to use Drupal for custom web application development:

Ease of integration with other tools:

It is a well known fact that as businesses grow, their websites also grow. It will no longer be sufficient to just display the products or services that is offered on the websites. One will have to integrate other tools like the payment gateways, ERP and CRM softwares, etc to ensure hassle free management of business.

Multi-device support:

Today, the more marketing you do the greater are the chances of your business performing better. In such a scenario, a business should keep in mind that it should be able to publish its details via websites or apps on all kinds to devices possible, be it laptops, PCs, mobiles, tablets, etc. Drupal helps making this possible with ease as it supports development of responsive websites and apps. Most of the themes and modules can be used on multiple devices.

Best software for beginners:

It is said that to build a website one should be a genius with a great deal of knowledge in computer science. Well this is only a myth as far as Drupal is concerned! Anybody without any know-how can easily start and run their own websites using Drupal. One can easily create, publish and track content easily using Drupal. They can easily create and manage workflows, permissions, tracking content revisions, etc.

Thousands of products available with Drupal:

Drupal has more than 25000 themes to choose from and almost 40000 free modules that one can choose to work with. This will help a developer to customize a website as the requirement of the various clients or also keep enhancing the website of an ongoing client to make it more interesting and technology savvy. Drupal also has a very well structured set of categories for product management which make the life of developers easier .

Search engine optimization and customer tracking:

It is very important to be at the top ranks of search engines to ensure that clients can easily find a business when they are looking for you or the kind of services and products that you offer. Drupal ensures that this is possible with ease. Once clients start visiting the website, then it becomes important that we track their behaviour like what products they are looking for, how easily they are able to navigate through the website, etc. This will help the business understand its clients and improve accordingly. Drupal has modules that make this process child’s play and ensures that businesses concentrate on their core objective .


Drupal is one of the best in class softwares that is available in the market and can be put to use at any point of time with the least efforts possible. Make sure you get your website up and going with this state of the art technology today!