Electron JS: It's an up and coming Framework for Desktop App Development. It is based on three basic web development tools HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Electron JS is used for making cross-platform desktop app development

Electron JS began its journey in January 2013 with the search for a tool to build a cross-platform text editor on which the user can work with technologies like JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.

It was founded on 15th July 2013, intended to make cross-platform development easier. It was initially known as Atom Shell

Electron.js Features

Accepting the above definition has tackled your inquiry on what is Electron.js, how about we move onto its highlights. 

Now that you have some Idea of what Electron.js s and have a brief knowledge about it’s history, Let’s talk about the features it offers. 

Any web application you have composed can run on Electron.js. Likewise, any Node.JS application you compose can use this innovation. 

Electron JS utilizes web innovations like straightforward HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It doesn't need local aptitudes except if you need to accomplish something specific and advance.

It tends to be intended for a solitary program. Its document framework has a place with Node.js APIs and it chips away with Linux, Mac OS X, Windows. 

It utilizes the npm module which is utilized generally for JavaScript. It comprises a local menu for interaction and notification. Also, Installing it on the window doesn’t need any specific set of configurations.

It likewise has the ease of auto-updating and crash providing details regarding Windows and Mac with Squirrel.

The crash reports are submitted to the distant worker for additional investigation. The substance following exercises like investigating and profiling are looked after by Chromium.

Why is the world adopting Electron.js at such a fast pace

The hard and repetitive part of making a web based application are the improvement of packaging, installing, updating, offering support with native menus, notification, the sharing of application crash reports. 

Electron JS basically deals with all these fundamental advances so the client can zero in on the idea of their application. 

At the point when we are composing an application for an internet browser, we are fundamentally composing code that will be executed on another person's PC.

We don't know what programs our objective clients will utilize. It tends to be the most recent form of Chrome or an obsolete variant of Internet Explorer. 

Thus, we are not left with a very remarkable decision but rather to be traditionalist in the advancements that we decide to execute and the sort of code that we need to draft. 

At the point when you fabricate your applications with Electron, you're bundling a specific variant of Chromium and Node.JS, so you can depend on whatever highlights are accessible in those forms.

A brief overview of the architecture of Electron JS

Presently how about we shed some light on what Electron.js' design resembles.

On the off chance that you state Electron.js is a pizza and Node.JS is the base, at that point Chrome is the cheddar and V8 JavaScript Engine is the garnish. 


Chrome is an open-source internet browser worked by Google, which gives a selected window director or shell for the web.

It has a moderate UI and utilizations V8 as the JavaScript motor and squints as the format motor. Libchromiumcontent is Chromium's delivering library, which is an open-source establishment for Google's program Chrome. 


Node.JS is an open-source JavaScript runtime that utilizes a V8 JavaScript motor. It empowers you to run JavaScript outside the program and furthermore gives an intuitive shell where you can execute crude JavaScript code. 

The Node.JS project was at first delivered in 2009 as an open-source, cross-stage runtime for creating worker side applications utilizing JavaScript. Node.js comes packaged with a bundle administrator called npm, which is the biggest biological system of open source libraries. 

V8 JavaScript Engine 

V8 JavaScript Engine is likewise an open-source JavaScript motor created by Google, written in C++ and JavaScript.

Toolsfor Electron.js designers 

These are theTools Electron.js needs to assemble an application. 

Electron-prebuilt – it introduces prebuilt Electron pairs for order line use utilizing npm. 

Electron-compile – it utilizes ES2015, CoffeeScript, LESS, SCSS in your application without a pre-aggregation step. 

Electron-packager – it bundles the documents and circulates in your application. 

Devtron – it is the authority DevTools augmentation. 

Spectron – it tests Electron applications utilizing ChromeDriver. 


In general, Electron.js deals with the vast majority of the dynamic applications which utilize our program as a stage to convey their inserted highlights and assist us with interfacing a more extensive crowd.

All things considered, fabricating and conveying the correct applications that can assist the clients with completing their occupation is the chief motivation behind any open-source structure.

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