PHP Framework 2021 is the most popular programming language on the internet, powering sites like Facebook and Wikipedia. It's simple to learn and allows you to quickly create web applications.

PHP and third-party application frameworks built on top of it are used by developers all over the world. PHP frameworks are more productive by allowing you to build more robust applications on a  well-tested foundation.

What is PHP Framework?

A PHP framework is a framework for developing PHP-based web applications. PHP frameworks offer code libraries for used functions, reducing the amount of original code required.

There are advantages to using PHP Framework 2021 rather than writing code from scratch.

  • Less Coding.
  • Libraries.
  • More Security.
  • Faster Development.

Software development is becoming more complex, necessitating the use of modules, design patterns, and tools to produce reliable applications. Frameworks can help a lot in this situation.

Best PHP Frameworks 2021

We'll go over the best PHP frameworks in this article, as well as their main strengths and weaknesses. By the end of this article, you'll know which PHP frameworks can meet your specific web development requirements.

[1] Laravel

The most popular PHP framework is Laravel. Taylor Otwell first released it in2011. It has since matured into a mature framework with hundreds of contributors and millions of installations.

It's built on an MVC architecture and comes with its own templating language, Blade, that makes creating HTML layouts a breeze. Laravel makes use of Eloquent ORM for database access.

The enormous variety of features, packages, and applications that make development faster and easier is what sets Laravel apart.

Queues, for example, allow you to run certain heavy tasks without overburdening your application or slowing down your users' loading times.

Laravel includes a number of security features and methods, including:

  • Authorization and Authentication.
  • Verification via email.
  • Hashing Encryption.
  • Reset your password.


  • With no prior experience, Laravel is simple to learn and understand.
  • The syntax is simple, and it can be so intuitive that your code appears to work by magic.
  • It has almost all of the features that advanced applications require, as well as being extremely stable and secure.


  • Because of its numerous features, it is a somewhat heavy framework, making it slower than other options.
  • Eloquent ORM requires raw SQL statements to function when databases and queries become complex.

[2] CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter is a PHP-based MVC framework that allows developers to quickly create new projects. One of its best features is that it isn't a restrictive framework and can be used as a development toolkit.

The MVC pattern is required by most PHP frameworks, and while CodeIgniter encourages the use of the MVC pattern, it is not required.

Small and large businesses alike use Codeigniter to create APIs and lightweight web applications.


  • You can use any design pattern you want in CodeIgniter.
  • Requires less optimization.
  • Faster loading time.


  • CodeIgniter provides a great deal of flexibility, but this comes at a cost: code maintainability can be difficult to achieve.
  • It has fewer libraries and packages for creating new features in general.

[3] Symfony

Symfony is an established framework that has transformed PHP development. It is a framework that also includes a set of reusable components that can be used in any PHP project.

These components can be found in a variety of open-source applications, including Laravel. SensioLabs maintains and supports Symfony, which has hundreds of contributors and a thriving developer community.

It's based on the MVC pattern and uses Doctrine ORM for object-relational mapping. It uses the Twig template engine to help you render HTML when creating views.

It's best for more complicated web projects that require predictability, support, and optimization. Symfony has a number of enterprise database drivers, making it an excellent choice for enterprise projects.


  • It comes with 50 standalone components that can be used in any project and are highly customizable.
  • Its built-in testing capabilities allow for advanced functional and unit testing.
  • Because Symfony has a well-designed codebase, it makes it easier to maintain your project.


  • The learning curve for Symfony is steeper, and mastering it necessitates a thorough understanding of many of its components.
  • When it comes to dependency injection, it's a little lacking because it doesn't work intuitively.

In Summary - PHP Framework 2021

Using a framework is a good idea if you want to cut down on the time you spend developing PHP web applications.

Make sure you have a good understanding of PHP and the underlying concepts behind frameworks, such as MVC architecture, object-oriented syntax, databases and ORMs, and the command line, to get the most out of a PHP framework and avoid frustration.

I hope you've figured out the advantages and disadvantages of each of the major PHP frameworks by now.

The framework you choose will be determined by the type of app you're creating. To some extent, all PHP frameworks are similar, but they differ in terms of performance, security, advanced features, and community support.

Hopefully, this article has assisted you in determining the best PHP framework for your needs.

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