Enterprise Applications: Millions of developers around the world use PHP for the design and development of websites. According to a report, about 80 percent of all dynamic websites are using PHP. The website developed by PHP can give you a powerful e-commerce website with an unavoidable user experience and multimedia features.

Enterprise Applications - What is Enterprise Software?

Enterprise software is a business management tool designed to meet the specific needs of an organization. Enterprise software is an entirely internal solution that aligns with the activity of a given organization. A business solution could be a content management system (CMS), a customer relationship management tool (CRM), an enterprise resource planning system (ERP), or any other company-related tool that manages the assets of the organization.

According to Gartner, “Enterprise application software includes content, communication, and collaboration software; CRM software; digital and content creation software, ERP software; office suites; project and portfolio management; and SCM software.”

PHP Frameworks for Enterprise Application

Multiple PHP frameworks can be selected based on the different levels of web app functionality, features, and performance needs. Laravel, Symfony, Yii, CakePHP, and Codelgnitor are top PHP frameworks for developing enterprise web applications. PHP has come a long way, with Zend and Microsoft's incredible support. The development of PHP ensures cost-effectiveness, scalability, compatibility, and simplicity in developed enterprise applications.

How do Enterprises benefit from using PHP applications?

Simplified Product Management:

E-commerce business portals can benefit from the development of product management activities which include discounts, sales tax collection, shipping cost calculation, etc.;

High Security:

PHP built website offers top-notch security to prevent vital data against hackers.;

Ad Tracker to measure results:

You get unlimited trackers to measure outcomes such as conversion, traffic stats, clicks, and campaign impressions to run online marketing for your website.;

Built-in no time:

Regardless of the size of the website, a business website based on PHP can be developed on a limited budget in no time.

How developing PHP applications reduce total cost?

See how the PHP framework results in faster speed of development of apps and incurs lower costs for the entire project:;

  • A large pool of PHP developers is familiar with a lot of additional web technologies that might be needed for a complete construction;;
  • The extensive collection of pre-constructed modules for direct integration;
  • Workflow processing (unlike Java, without compilation, PHP delivers instant output);

So, if you're in a time- and money-saving dilemma while developing PHP applications. The answer to that is certainly yes. A powerful framework such as Laravel is successful in developing PHP applications with efficiency-whether for the enterprise level or a startup.

Why you should Choose PHP for Enterprise Application Development?

Over 79.0 percent of all websites that use programming languages on the server-side choose PHP for development.;;


PHP is flexible to make changes to huge transactional systems and is used to create simple applications.;

Easy Integration:

PHP is commonly known for having multiple platforms and services integrated easily. With many platforms, it has massive libraries and so many packages for easy integration. It can run on Windows, IBM, Linux, and ...;

Personnel availability:

PHP developers can be searched easily as their demand and popularity are high compared with other platforms.

Development takes less time:

Because it is a partially object-oriented language, the development code can be used again. It will save both time and cost of development. The built-in functions such as GET and POST, together with URLs and HTML help to save time for development.;

Accessible with Distant CMS:

Developers can customize every element of the application with PHP Framework and deliver exactly what the project demands.;

Scalability supports:

PHP supports the development of scalable IT systems. The code is characterized in the documentation by its transparency and extensive transparency. This allows developers to take less time to comprehend the coded depth.

Big Brands built on PHP Framework

Let's see how big brands with none other than PHP have created classy and full-featured websites!


Facebook, the social media giant with over 1.49 billion active users, is a perfect example of exhibiting creative and out-of-the-box scaling solutions. First introduced in 2010, HipHop for PHP was a translator that took PHP code and converted it to a C++ binary.;

After that, an open-source virtual machine based on the just-in-time compilation was released in December 2011, HipHop Virtual Machine (HHVM), which enabled the improved performance with an easier development and deployment process. It helped boost the development of the PHP language by launching lots of new features on PHP7 and massive performance improvements.


It's regarded as one of the email marketing leaders. The platform will be able to send more than 400 million emails using PHP to its 7 million users. In 2010, they declared PHP to be "the only language we use when it comes to MailChimp application production."


Slack is one of the most used channels of communication in the IT sector. The team app is valued at about $4 billion and is used every day by over 3 million users. It is surprising to see that they use PHP in their process of the back end. A good article on taking PHP seriously can be found here on its engineering blog.


With over 54 million verified users and more than 19 million buyers, Etsy is one of the top ten most popular retail web sites in the US. It's considered one of the largest PHP-built e-commerce sites. They also released Phan, a static analyzer capable of detecting incompatibilities between PHP5/7 and many more issues that could cause problems.


I hope, you are convinced by now that PHP is the best platform for enterprise-level application development. If you are just about to select a technology for your ERP product, this piece of the article may be helpful in your planning phase. Also, if you're looking for a classic website with secure architecture, robust web core, and platform-independent, the PHP framework should be your prime choice.

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