WordPress Design and Development: Started as a blogging tool, it has evolved over the years into a popular website builder and a powerful content management system. Precisely, there might not be a single enterprise that did not come across this famous site.

Well, if you've guessed it already, you're right, it's WordPress. It is a PHP-based open-source system that is paired with MySQL or MariaDB database. In simple words, a well-known tool to create your own website or blog.

WordPress is nested in every workspace from an employer to a student in today's modern era. Being open-source, allows developers to create a wide range of plug-ins, widgets, and themes.

Pondering why every 3 out of 10 people are engaging themselves with WordPress?

The professional WordPress web design and development team makes it easier for businesses to reach certain heights with exemplary solutions. Let's just say, WordPress is a force to reckon with.

Why WordPress?

You can do a lot on WordPress, from creating beautiful designs to keeping your website safe.

If you haven't already heard about their features, here are a few for you, customizable designs, SEO friendly, responsive mobile sites, high performance, high security, easy and accessible.

Learning WordPress can be a handful of a task but once you get your feet wet and experiment, you'll soon create beautiful websites.

You can create any type of website in WordPress, from business websites to resumes and everything in between like portfolios, forums, blogs, e-commerce stores, and social networks.

If your curiosity levels skyrocketed to know more about this prominent developer's gimmick or a blogger's platform to resort to, stay hooked with me. This article might help you in gaining handy insights to develop your business.

Let's give a glance at staggering insights into WordPress Design and Development

WordPress has unquestionably come a long way since it was first launched in 2003. This widely used content management system powers 40.5+% of infinitely many websites.

To think this is big is an understatement, this would be no less than a milestone. To add to this:

  • It has a 60.8% share in the CMS market.
  • WordPress powers 22% of the best 1 million e-commerce sites.
  • 500+ sites are built on an everyday basis.

Today, it has turned into a full-fledged tool for developing websites that enables people with a little understanding of PHP to create a website from scratch. Though there are many other platforms to build websites like Shopify, Wix, Magento, Weebly. WordPress stands out among all due to its unmatched features.

1. The System is free and open-source

Despite being a crowded site, it's free to use. Both  WordPress.com and WordPress.org are on loose. WordPress.org being a self-hosted version, the owner gets more control over their site.

Users end up paying for extra services.  While WordPress.com works great for newbies. This usually doesn't have paid plans, often used for personal and hobby blogs.

2. Its flexible enough to make any type of website

One of the myths about WordPress is that it's certainly for creating blogs. It surely started as a blogger's page but has advanced with the new versions over the years.

Though it did not lose its fame as a blogging platform. It is one of the most welcoming platforms to write with ease and publish blogs, which did not fade since 2003.

A few website building tools have a flow of processes in creating a site like designs, apps then come the blog part.

But that's not the case with WordPress, you can create an amazing website with ease, and a blogging interface is an important part of the process.

Here is an endless list of the types of websites one can create on WordPress:

  • Blogs
  • Business websites
  • Portfolios
  • Forums
  • E-commerce sites
  • Membership sites
  • Wikipedias and information-based sites
  • Job Boards
  • Q & A sites
  • Entertainment sites

3. It supports different media types - WordPress Design and Development

Though there's more to this, the primary categories are all accepted:

  • Images
  • Audio
  • Video
  • Document

Users often have no problem when it comes to the file types as WordPress accepts almost all types like .gif, .pdf, .pptx, .m4a, .mov, .3pg, .ogg etc.

4. It's easy to get a hang of it and has a massive community

There are many things to learn when it comes to WordPress but one can always play around with the dashboard and start to master the working of it. As there aren't many barriers to get access to the software.

In no time you could understand the system, if not there's always customer support. You can either pay a buck or two extra or work through the forums.

Though there's always a third-party resource, which usually gives you most of the quick fixes solutions through their blogs.

5. Varied themes and plugins

As mentioned earlier, WordPress themes and plugins make it easy for developers to create a website. For a traditional blog, you'll first go with a theme, add design, and then start blogging. It's the same with a business site or a portfolio.

But every now and then, you might feel your site is incomplete. You will want to make your site as interactive as possible like adding a quiz.

In such cases, there are plenty of plugins, out of which some are free and some aren't. In order to gain long-run success, one needs to spend a penny here and there.

Now, to expand your site, you might need a plethora of themes and plugins.

It's true that plugins typically play a critical role when it comes to the operation of your site. But with the increase in technology and drastic changes in its implementations, developers need to update their site's theme, like

  • A fresh difference
  • Switching to a more powerful theme
  • To have a better customer support
  • Add more aesthetics

6. It's a no-brainer, to manage - WordPress Design and Development

The usual website development companies often sell hefty packages and monthly payments for maintenance.

But this has nothing to with WordPress, it's easy to manage when you grasp things and go through the correct training. Website management usually involves a few things:

  1. Making sure the server is always active
  2. Ensure security
  3. Running backups
  4. Updating plugins, themes
  5. Controlling spam
  6. Testing of operation
  7. Brushing up the speed and SEO

As we don't check on the server individually, it's more about reaching for a good host and ensure it's working without any glitches. Security and backups are handled by plugins or a premium plan.

The rest of the things can be done occasionally. For instance, here at Yugasa, backups are done automatically, stored for a few days, and can also be restored with a click.

7. SEO

WordPress is popular for having a built-in SEO platform. To be precise, it automatically generates title tags and meta descriptions for all your pages and blogs.

As you already know, the search engines will get you indexed and eventually raise your ranking. There are certain SEO tools like the Yoast SEO plugin. The default tools do their work fine, but Yoast takes the whole thing to another level.

8. The sole control of your site

The website building platforms like Wix, Squarespace, Magento, Shopify, etc, cease your control to few features only. This usually leaves you with some limitations like:

  1. The functionality of your site is usually built-in, and there's only so much you can do about it.
  2. You're stuck with the host provided, you don't get to choose the one you desire, according to the ranking.
  3. The code adjustments are limited, sometimes worse, you get stuck with a language you've never heard of.
  4. You don't solely have full ownership of your site and content. You're hiring the website. So, when you stop paying, everything either gets vanished into thin air or held by the development company.

But with WordPress, you own the files, and you can move to different hosts anytime.

9. The Blogging Platform is flourishing as never before

WordPress was first started as a blogging platform. Despite competing against a lot of companies, it has stood tall with more power, elegance and advanced tools. 

The WordPress blog editor has a set of outstanding tools. The formatting and media tools help writers to navigate through the editor with ease.

On this platform, the administrator can permit access or can hire people for different roles.

For example, the editor can edit and publish blogs and the contributors can create posts but don't get to publish them.

Well, these are all the prominent features of WordPress that make it the most user-friendly and the hardest website to compete against. WordPress Design and Development services are trustworthy. 

WordPress Web Design

Besides being a website development platform, it also works wonders in Web Design. For your site to be more trafficked, it needs to be eye-catching and subtle with all the right ingredients. Its functioning should startle the users, of course in a positive spirit.

Through the sight of a WordPress expert, all your desired features can be flaunted on your business site easily using WordPress design services.

Reasons why one should consider their services:

  • Because of its web design flexibility
  • User-friendly Content Management System
  • Powerful Plugins
  • Built-in SEO WordPress Web Design

WordPress professionals furnish your site to function at its best, attract more crowds and overall run in a long haul.

Instead of going for a programmer who works on your site from scratch, you can reap the benefits of a honed site faster and also around your budget.

Expertise WordPress Websites make your business soar higher in no time. One should hire WordPress developers to put their astounding insights into action.

Still ambivalent on why should you use WordPress? There you go.

WordPress is used by a ton of people, large companies, and small businesses. A fun fact, Microsoft's official blog uses WordPress, so does the White House Government.

Here is an interesting statistic, about 35% of the internet websites are built using WordPress and it's still continuing to gain popularity and trust among people.

The most beautiful part about WordPress?

It allows anyone, from a beginner to an experienced technician, to briskly create a professional website that is both user-friendly and attractive.


Though there are many platforms out there, most of the developers invest their trust in using WordPress.

They find it more advanced in technology, enhanced with flawless features, and also more useful for their business purposes.

There's never less to know or hear about WordPress, their success rate is away too high. Having said that, it was not all new heights and breakthroughs.

They've stumbled over countless times yet here they are at the top of the ladder. WordPress Design and Development, Indian WordPress developers are using their decades of experience to bring out the best in small-scale businesses with excellent solutions. 

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